Marine Voyage Optimization

A bar-headed Goose may lose up to 3.0 pounds in its flight from Central Asia to South Asia.  A voyage like this requires significant planning to reach the destination in the given time using the minimum possible resources. A weather foresight across the entire route space when used by a smart algorithm can help decide a route and a speed schedule that optimizes the fuel consumption for just in time arrival at the destination.
This innovative service utilises extensively advance and exhaustive algorithm to create most optimum route with speed schedule to avoid bad weather with minimum M/E fuel consumption ensuring timely arrival of the vessel.
The route suggested by this service is generated using dynamic programming from a grid designed by the expert marine professionals for safe navigation. As compared to the traditional weather routing service providing course, this system compute thousand of speed-course combinations to choose the most optimum schedule.

Speed optimization + Optimum Routing = Optimisation unlimited

v  Collaboration of weather routing and speed optimization to ensure safe passage and maximum fuel savings.
v  Unique algorithm to replace traditional weather routing advisory.
v  Multidimensional calculations to ensure proper trade off between safe navigation, fuel optimization and timely arrival of the vessel.
v  Visualisation of weather and currents on route generated through optimum routing on real time basis.

v  Safety of vessel and crew as least exposure to bad weather assured by this service.
v  Minimum M/E Fuel consumption with timely arrival of the vessel.
v  Assured fuel savings of around 8-10% against transparent benchmark.
v  No retrofitting/Installation required on board.
v  No extra burden on the vessel staff. Vessel need to copy us in regular Noon Message.
v  Vessel has direct access to the blue water technical experts 24X7.
v  Increase in repute among all the stakeholders and improves customer relations.
v  Contribution towards greener planet.
v  Cost capping in operational expenses.
v  Objective monitoring with man-machine combination to decide measures essential for further optimization.
v  Regular plan updation on every 5th day with latest weather forecast or incase of deviation with projections.

Marine Voyage Optimization Marine Voyage Optimization Reviewed by Blue Water Trade Winds Pvt. Ltd. on 01:44 Rating: 5

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