Cargo Heating Log Apportionment Service
Counter –off the Counters!
Blue Water, through a customized web application, splits the consumptions billable into reasonable Heat Up and Maintain fractions. This service supports the vessel manager in voyage P/L calculations and also avoids expensive claims or disputes among the stakeholders.
Cargo Heating Apportioned Log Service (CHAL) splits consumption logically and reasonably between Owners and Charterers in the case of cargo heat up. This application was devised to scientifically segregate per day consumption between grade(s) duly taking into account cargo quantity, temperature, and ambient conditions.
The final apportioned heating log is prepared basis below options:-
- Logical: An extensive algorithm is applied to derive the voyage specific split factor (VSF) which is used to split the consumption between owner and charter proportionately.
- Standard Maintain Based: Voyage specific fuel Consumption to maintain the cargo at loaded temperature is calculated using artificial intelligence is allocated to owner’s account and the balance will be placed up into charterer account.
- Standard Heat Up Based: BP voyage 4 formula is used to calculate the heat up consumption for the voyage summed up with the consumption to maintain cargo above loaded temperature computed through derivative analysis is allocated to charterer’s account and remaining consumption is billed to the owner.
- Reasonable & sound apportionment of Total Fuel Oil Consumption on heating for each grade based on cargo and ambient temperature and daily Fuel oil consumption provided by clients.
- No altering of Daily Consumption and Temperature already reported to charterers.

- Further split up of Individual Fuel Oil apportionments into justifiable Raised and maintained fractions
- Providing reviewed the heating log to the client after close scrutiny and analysis to enable billing to the charterer for heat up costs
- Support Shipowners for any counter received from charterer or any other claim or dispute
- Heating Log Preparation is done by the professional team consisting of mariners, fuel analyst, chief engineers and heated voyage specialists.
Cargo Heating Log Apportionment Service
Reviewed by Blue Water Trade Winds Pvt. Ltd.

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